Funding type


Project size funding

US$ 50.001 - 150.000, US$ 150.001 - 300.000, US$ 300.001 - 500.000

Target region/countries

Asia, Eastern Asia, South-Central Asia, South-Eastern Asia, Western Asia

Eligible Organisations for funding

Bilateral / Multilateral Organization, Private Entity, Financial Institution (Investor/Bank)


Forest & Woodlands, Freshwater, Marine & Coast, Wetland, Wildlife / Endangered Species, Human-changed areas

Biodiversity Categories

Protected Areas and other conservation measures, Restoration, Sustainable Use (of productive areas)

Sector Tags


Funding Criteria

- feasibility study or proof of concept of natural capital vehicle
- Scalability and/or replicability; Demonstration effect; Impact; Additionality; Stakeholder support; Likelihood to achieve financial close; Contributions to portfolio and development risk-return; Field-Building
- blended vehicle

Proposals are only accepted from organizations or consortiums of organizations. The lead organization must be able to provide 1) proof of incorporation, and 2) financial statements for the previous fiscal year.
Practitioners awarded funding are expected to regularly report key challenges, learnings, and results. This will be synthesized into a case study or learning brief and published to support market-wide learning.

Application language


Additional information

This Window is funded by the RS Group. This Window will support blended finance solutions that find new ways to enhance and protect the world's stock of natural assets, including water, land, soil, air, plants and animals, by attracting private investment at scale.