Funding type

Grants, Other

Project size funding

US$ 500.001 - 2.000.000, US$ 2.000.001 - 10.000.000, > US$ 10.000.001

Target region/countries

Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mexico, Zambia

Eligible Organisations for funding

National goverment


Forest & Woodlands, Freshwater, Wetland, Human-changed areas

Biodiversity Categories

Sustainable Use (of productive areas)

Sector Tags

Agriculture and Hunting, Climate Change, Environmental Protection and Conservation, Finance, Forests

Funding Criteria

- Emission Reductions Purchase Agreements (ERPAs) as part of climate finance (Art. 9 of Paris Agreement) or carbon finance (Art 6 of Paris Agreement)
- technical assistance and capacity-building leading to ERPAs

- verifyable emission reductions and development of benefit sharing plan (results-based payments)

Application process

Self-initiated process through the program countries

Application language


Particular consideration of

Local Communities (LC)

Additional information

ERPA buyer is the World Bank (Trustee of ISFL)