Funding type


Project size funding

not specified

Target region/countries

Africa, Australia, Europe, Japan, Latin America and the Caribbean, Northern America, South-Eastern Asia

Eligible Organisations for funding

Private Entity


Forest & Woodlands, Marine & Coast, Freshwater, Wetland, Human-changed areas, Savannas & Shrubland & Grasslands

Biodiversity Categories

Green Economy (incl. Ecotourism), Pollution Management, Sustainable Use (of productive areas)

Sector Tags

Agriculture and Hunting, Environmental Protection and Conservation

Funding Criteria

- sustainable timber, agriculture and forestry
- nature-based carbon projects

Application process

Self-initiated process

Application language


Additional information

Joint venture of HSBC Asset Management and Pollination

Dedicated funds:
Natural Capital Fund
Nature Based Carbon Fund
The Restore Fund (in partnership with Apple)