Fondo para el Manejo de las Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre (Fund for Protected Areas and Wildlife Management)

Updated: 19 Dec, 2023

Funding type


Project size funding

US$ 20.001 - 50.000, US$ 50.001 - 150.000, US$ 150.001 - 300.000, US$ 300.001 - 500.000

Target region/countries


Eligible Organisations for funding

Non-profit or Civil Society Organization (NGO), Scholar Institution, Subnational goverment, Towns & Municipalities


Forest & Woodlands, Freshwater, Marine & Coast, Mountains & Rocky Areas, Savannas & Shrubland & Grasslands, Wetland, Wildlife / Endangered Species

Biodiversity Categories

Biodiversity awareness and knowledge, Biodiversity planning and finance, Protected Areas and other conservation measures, Restoration

Sector Tags

Environmental Protection and Conservation, Forests

Funding Criteria

- for NGO: local headquarter & cooperation agreement for the area
- for municipalities: Environment and Transparency Departments in place

Application process

Application language
