Updated: 17 Oct, 2023

Funding type


Project size funding

US$ 150.001 - 300.000, US$ 300.001 - 500.000, US$ 500.001 - 2.000.000, US$ 2.000.001 - 10.000.000

Target region/countries

Least Developed Countries (LDC)

Eligible Organisations for funding

National goverment


Deserts & Semi-Deserts, Forest & Woodlands, Freshwater, Human-changed areas, Marine & Coast, Mountains & Rocky Areas, Savannas & Shrubland & Grasslands, Wetland

Biodiversity Categories

Green Economy (incl. Ecotourism), Restoration

Sector Tags

Climate Change

Funding Criteria

- short-, medium-, and long-term resilience needs
- reduce climate change vulnerability

Application process

via intermediaries (via GEF Focal points and GEF Agencies)
GEF Focal points: https://www.thegef.org/who-we-are/focal-points
GEF Agencies: https://www.thegef.org/partners/gef-agencies

Application language


Additional information

mandated to serve the Paris Agreement