Funding type


Project size funding

US$ 50.001 - 150.000, US$ 150.001 - 300.000, US$ 300.001 - 500.000

Target region/countries

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Eligible Organisations for funding

Non-profit or Civil Society Organization (NGO), Private Entity, Scholar Institution


Forest & Woodlands, Freshwater, Marine & Coast, Wetland, Wildlife / Endangered Species, Human-changed areas, Savannas & Shrubland & Grasslands, Deserts & Semi-Deserts

Biodiversity Categories

Green Economy (incl. Ecotourism), Protected Areas and other conservation measures, Restoration

Sector Tags

Environmental Protection and Conservation

Funding Criteria

Call specific priorities

Application process

Call for application (irregular)

Application language


Particular consideration of

Local Communities (LC)

Additional information

Calls rather infrequent, last one was part of the Species Recovery Programme (SRP)

Match funding (cash/in-kind) desirable