Funding type


Project size funding

US$ 5.001 - 20.000, US$ 20.001 - 50.000, US$ 50.001 - 150.000

Target region/countries


Eligible Organisations for funding

Non-profit or Civil Society Organization (NGO), Scholar Institution, Subnational goverment, National goverment


Forest & Woodlands, Freshwater, Marine & Coast, Wetland, Wildlife / Endangered Species

Biodiversity Categories

Biodiversity awareness and knowledge, Protected Areas and other conservation measures

Sector Tags

Tourism and Recreation

Funding Criteria

- Species Research
- Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation
- Habitat Protection
- Conservation Education.

Application process

Call for application / Self-initiated process

Application language


Additional information

Note that the entity pause their standard granting programme until 2023 but they will continue their Animal Crisis Grant program to respond to immediate, short-term funding for animal crises that arise.
For 2022-2023, they will be accepting applications by request only. They will continue to support conservation projects globally, however, with a focus on funding pre-selected projects.