Funding type

Grants, Equity, Loans, Guarantees, Other

Project size funding

< US$ 5.000, US$ 5.001 - 20.000, US$ 20.001 - 50.000, US$ 50.001 - 150.000, US$ 150.001 - 300.000

Target region/countries

Antigua and Barbuda

Eligible Organisations for funding

Communities / Non-registered citizen groups, Individual, Non-profit or Civil Society Organization (NGO), Private Entity, Scholar Institution, Subnational goverment, Towns & Municipalities


Forest & Woodlands, Freshwater, Human-changed areas, Marine & Coast, Savannas & Shrubland & Grasslands, Wetland, Wildlife / Endangered Species

Biodiversity Categories

Biodiversity planning and finance

Sector Tags

Environmental Protection and Conservation, Climate Change, Energy

Funding Criteria

- all purposes as defined in the Environmental Protection and Management Act ( in particular with integrated environmental planning and management system, enforcement of environmental laws and regulations, and providing the public with easily accessible information and technical assistance on environmental issues

Application process

Call for application / Self-initiated process

Application language


Additional information

Also provides insurance options for private sector