Funding type


Project size funding

not specified

Target region/countries

Developing countries

Eligible Organisations for funding

Financial Institution (Investor/Bank), Private Entity, Subnational goverment, Towns & Municipalities, National goverment, Non-profit or Civil Society Organization (NGO)


Forest & Woodlands, Freshwater, Marine & Coast, Wetland

Biodiversity Categories

Green Economy (incl. Ecotourism), Sustainable Use (of productive areas)

Sector Tags

Agriculture and Hunting, Climate Change, Energy, Environmental Protection and Conservation, Finance, Fishing, Forests, Social Inclusion and Sustainability, Education, Science and Research, Trade, Water

Funding Criteria

- combating/ decreasing deforestation
- sustainable wetland and marine use
- nature-based solutions
- contribution to objectives of one of the strategies adopted by the Swedish government (depending on countries, regions and topics)
- minimum size of targeted portfolio (specified in each call)

Application process

Application language


Particular consideration of

Local Communities (LC), Indigenous Peoples (IP), Youth, Gender