Funding type


Project size funding

< US$ 5.000, US$ 5.001 - 20.000

Target region/countries

Viet Nam

Eligible Organisations for funding

Non-profit or Civil Society Organization (NGO), Communities / Non-registered citizen groups, Private Entity


Wildlife / Endangered Species, Savannas & Shrubland & Grasslands, Forest & Woodlands, Mountains & Rocky Areas

Biodiversity Categories

Protected Areas and other conservation measures, Biodiversity awareness and knowledge

Sector Tags

Environmental Protection and Conservation, Finance

Funding Criteria

- Projects in the Central and Central Highland territories of Vietnam

Application process

Self-initiated process

Application language

English, Vietnamese

Additional information

Cooperation between GreenViet (Vietnam) and Gustav-Stresemann Institute (GSI, Germany) and funded by the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam