Funding type


Project size funding

US$ 5.001 - 20.000, US$ 20.001 - 50.000, US$ 50.001 - 150.000, US$ 150.001 - 300.000

Target region/countries

South Africa

Eligible Organisations for funding

Private Entity


Deserts & Semi-Deserts, Forest & Woodlands, Freshwater, Human-changed areas, Marine & Coast, Mountains & Rocky Areas, Savannas & Shrubland & Grasslands, Wetland, Wildlife / Endangered Species

Biodiversity Categories

Biodiversity awareness and knowledge, Invasive Alien Species (IAS), Pollution Management, Protected Areas and other conservation measures, Restoration, Sustainable Use (of productive areas)

Sector Tags

Environmental Protection and Conservation

Funding Criteria

- Innovative & Scalable environmental ideas in South Africa leading to a change
- Alignment with WWF Strategy

Application process

Application language
